Gol Morchi(100gm)
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Introducing Seylon Gold Tea, a premium tea blend available in a 500 gm package. This tea presents a luxurious and distinctive taste experience that reflects the excellence of Sri Lanka's tea craftsmanship, delivering a cup of pure indulgence to tea connoisseurs around the globe.


Indulge in the sophistication of Seylon Gold Tea. Meticulously chosen and artfully blended, this tea harmoniously brings together the finest tea leaves to create a full-bodied and exquisite brew. With a heritage rooted in the esteemed tea estates of Sri Lanka, Seylon Gold Tea promises a flavor that's both opulent and captivating.

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সুপার ফাস্ট ডেলিভারি
সহজ এবং নিরাপদ পেমেন্ট পদ্ধতি
সহজ রিটার্ন পলিসি
১০০% অথেন্টিক প্রোডাক্টস
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