Tips are not required.
    Ans. We try our best to source the best quality items for you but if you are dissatisfied, you can always send them back with the delivery person. If you forget to do that, you can call us within 3 days and we will replace the item for free.
    Ans. Absolutely. Our hotline is +8801896156713
    Ans. You may get a refund within seven (7) days on unopened or spoilt packaged products. For diapers and perishable products, such as milk, fruits and fresh vegetables, we have a one (1) day return policy. We will not accept any diaper items as return if more than 20% of the pack has been used. We reserve the right to refuse refund. Please contact us at +8801896156713 if you want to return an item.
    Ans. We accept cash on delivery and we also have Online Credit Card and Online Bkash service. Don’t worry, our eShoper representatives should always carry enough change.
    Ans. You can always call +880-1896156713 or mail us at
    Listing products on eshoper is at no cost! eshoper also does not charge Seller any-thing for listing their products online. A Seller how ever must oblige eshoper by paying a Platform Fee(i.e. a discount on the actual price of the product). This applies when the product is sold to the eshoper user/customer. Seller can share a query to the eshoper team via the Call Center.......or send an email to for more information
    If a seller sells new and genuine products, they can register immediately by signing up here.Within 3 business days, a point of contact from the eShoper team will get in touch with the Seller to guide them through the rest of the process.
    Any business/company big or small can become aSeller on eShoper, as long they are authorized primary or as a reseller of that Product, or purchased or other-wise legally acquired that Product from an authorized reseller of that Product, or otherwise have a legal right to sell that Product If the Seller is not a business man individual, than eShoper will need more information. Please contact us on to register your request.